Saturday, 27 July

Odwira: Indecent behaviours won’t be entertained – MUSEC

The MUSEC made the call when it announced measures put in place to ensure security during the celebration of the annual festival

The Akuapem North Municipal Security (MUSEC) has called on visitors to this year’s Odwira festival to be security conscious and report any suspicious characters to the security agencies.

The MUSEC made the call when it announced measures put in place to ensure security during the celebration of the annual festival.

In a public notice, the MUSEC announced that: “On Friday, 16 and Saturday, 17 September 2022, the road through the Akropong town would be blocked from vehicular movement.”

It, however, noted that: “The Municipal Assembly has designated secured places for parking of vehicles. In this regard, parking at the edges of the road is hereby banned.”

It advised motorists to use any of the designated points for parking of their vehicles “Municipal Assembly office compound, Shoe fabriek, Presbytarian University College, Akropong.”

It further advised “traders and business owners to ensure that their immediate environments are kept clean on a daily basis.”

Also, “No amorous activities or indecent behaviours will be entertained.”

It added “Anyone who flouts these directives would be severely sanctioned.”

Source: Adiku