Monday, 09 September

A careful dive into In-depth Reporting

Feature Article
A careful dive into In-depth Reporting

My trip into the core of in-depth reporting gave me a real sense of what happens in the hectic newsrooms of various media organizations, where deadlines loom and headlines flash. This experience changed the way I understood both the power of journalism and the way I saw the world.

In-depth journalists set out on a mission to give us the news 360, uncover secrets that lay just beneath the surface, and dove headfirst into tales that required painstaking study, a passion for the untold, and dogged pursuit of the truth. Come along as I share my rich experience from the class with you.

Education is never complete when people who gain it lack a basic understanding of the facts and information given. And for the very first time, I admit that journalism is never complete without In-depth Reporting.
Essentially, In-depth Reporting challenges journalists to go above and beyond to tell newsworthy stories in great detail with listeners/readers not missing out on any significant information.

It is a vital part of journalism that gives life to the profession, and we are well aware of how powerful and important journalism is. A whole society and nation would retrogress if they were not fed with the appropriate information to make informed decisions.

While straight news reporting keeps outnumbering reports that go in-depth, I dare to say that if journalists had a knack for in-depth reporting and then pursued it vigorously, society would be much better. Through in-depth reporting, readers can now confidently make informed decisions as they are privileged to get the whole picture of events and issues objectively reported.

A lecturer at the Faculty of Journalism and Media Studies of UniMAC GIJ Campus, Mr Desmond Lamptey, lectures on good journalism, and brings to bear an important aspect of journalism: In-depth Reporting.

The course came with its hurdles, such as visiting handpicked places to undertake a comprehensive study, alongside conducting interviews and research to produce a comprehensive news story. The fun part was working with colleagues with diverse interests and personalities to produce a good in-depth story. Working with some colleagues required a lot of patience, tolerance, and understanding. There were times when I nearly lost my temper. But then I persevered and in the end it paid.

Another was publishing in-depth stories in various newspapers. This also came with complications, delayed responses, hostility on the part of some editors, and, in the end, it was great to see one’s name in the newspaper. Between lectures, we had the privilege of meeting guest lecturers like the vibrant and reputable Manasseh Azure and Kwetey Nartey, whose works make them unique. Their visits were illuminating, interesting, and astute.

For a budding journalist like myself, my journalistic spirit has been awakened, my passion renewed, and energized to serve society with my best. In-depth Reporting has indeed opened my eyes.

A level 300 Journalism student, Nii Adjetey, shares his experience with the course. “The course, In-depth Journalism, I would say, has been an interesting and insightful one for me. The lectures were full of great lessons and exposed us to new insights and experiences we already knew. An example is the news values we already knew but we have to learn about criticisms of them and new ones proposed by the critics. Bringing experienced and practicing journalists to have lectures with us topped it up for me. I must say that I’m poised to go into In-depth Journalism. I have even started doing some work already”.

“I enjoyed the course In-depth Journalism because it opened my eyes to a lot of interesting stuff”. Another Level 300 student of UniMAC GIJ, Eunice Dacosta, also shares her experience.

I entreat all lecturers, and journalists alike to give much prominence to in-depth reporting.


Edna Garimah

[email protected]
