Monday, 17 February

V/R: Drivers not involved in any wrongdoing in Tsito STS foodstuff controversy – Old Students Nat'l Organiser

General News
AI-improved screenshot of taxi driver with boxes of tin tomatoes behind him

The taxi driver who was confronted in a viral video for aiding the hoarding of foodstuffs supposedly meant for Tsito Secondary Technical School, Volta Region, has been cleared of any wrongdoing.

According to Political Peter, Old Students National Organiser, Tsito STS, the tin tomatoes that were seen in the boot of the Opel Astra taxi were not meant for the school as Apostle Ekatso, who effected what looked like a citizen arrest, asserted.

| AI-improved screenshot of Apostle Ekatso from the viral video

In fact, Peter noted in a statement, the consignment meant for the school was duly delivered and records made for it. 

“The storekeeper and the supply centre gave an additional 100 cartons to the driver to offload at a said place, which actually has nothing to do with the consignments of the two schools named,” he explained.

See Peter's statement below (edits done to enhance comprehension):

Good evening, house. It's very unfortunate to see our bus involved in the above scandal.

I have placed a call to the school bursar to have firsthand information on the said incident.

It's clear our school went for the said items from the supply centre in Mawuli School.

From the record, the school bus went for tin tomatoes and tom brown.

The school (Tsito Sec. Tech.) was given 50 cartons of tin tomatoes. And Awusco was also given 150 cartons of tin tomatoes.

Our school bus took delivery of the said items 50 + 150 cartons of tin tomatoes with tom brown for the two schools (Tsito Sec. Tech and Awusco).

It's very clear that the school bus delivered the total of the said items to the respective schools accordingly, per the records, and stock was taken of the delivery.

The storekeeper and the supply centre gave an additional 100 cartons to the driver to offload at a said place, which actually has nothing to do with the consignments of the two schools named.

The driver only carried out an assignment given to him to offload the said items on his way, which wasn't part of Sec. Tech or Awusco consignments.

The storekeeper and the supply centre have an issue to respond to with the said assignment given the driver.

The above is the reality of the issue circulating.

Political Peter

Tsito Sec. Tech

Old Students National Organizer
