Saturday, 27 July

Concerned drivers revive calls for Ofori-Atta’s sack

Ken Ofori-Atta - Finance Minister

Members of the Concerned Drivers Association (C-DAG) have revived calls for the sacking of Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta for incompetence.

Some months ago, a cross section of the populace and professional bodies including some 80 Majority MPs as well as the Minority MPs called for Mr Ofori-Atta’s removal as Finance Minister following the economic hardships the country was experiencing.

The President, Nana Akufo-Addo, appealed to the Majority MPs to allow Mr Ofori-Atta to lead Ghana and IMF negotiations for economic bailout and also to present the 2023 budget statement.

Months after the budget presentation and IMF negotiations still ongoing which has led to a debt exchange programme, the Finance Minister is still at post.

The Concerned Drivers in a statement said “we want to unreservedly state that, we can no longer accept Ken Ofori-Atta as minister of finance regardless and any attempt to keep him shall be meted with a fierce revolt.”

According to the drivers, Mr Ofori-Atta’s incompetence has sunk the country’s economy in the ditch and, therefore, must be sacked.

Meanwhile, despite calls for his sacking, President Akufo-Addo has given Mr Ofori-Atta additional responsibilities to act as Minister of Trade following the resignation of Mr Alan Kyerematen.

Read details of the statement by the drivers below: 

Concerned Drivers Association of Ghana(C-DAG)

Press Statement for Immediate Release

To All Media Houses

January 10, 2023


Sack Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta Now

Members of this association are demanding for the immediate removal of Finance Minister Ken Ofori Atta.

His incompetence has been clearly written on the walls and Ghanaians feeling the blunt of the outcome which is an unprecedented economic hardship.

His gross incompetency has sunk Ghana's economy into a ditch.

We are battling with the situation of a frail currency, high inflation rates and unstable prices for petrol. All these are factors that have made it difficult for us to live and take proper care of our families.

We would want to remind the President that he pleaded for his cousin to be allowed a stay in office because the IMF negotiations were ongoing.

As at now, negotiations are over and we are extremely sure that any other person can take over and supervise the IMF program as well as the ministry's activities.

We want to unreservedly state that, we can no longer accept Ken Ofori-Atta as minister of finance regardless and any attempt to keep him shall be meted with a fierce revolt.

To the majority side of Parliament, particularly to the 80 members who openly declared that their constituents want Ofori Atta removed, we wish to remind you that you are in Parliament not for yourselves but for the people.

Ghanaians have already passed verdict on Ken Ofori Atta and you have no business but to make sure that he is removed from office.

We do not want to believe that, you backtracked your decision because of the alleged attempted bribe of you by a certain business man.

We rather believe that you only softened your stance as a result of the President's plea and we'd want to believe that as of now you'll fully support our call for the sacking of the finance minister.

In the spirit of this, we expect that you ensure his removal before the end of this month.

Any failure on your part to effect the finance Minister's removal shall be deemed as a compromise because you were bribed and we shall not hesitate to invoke traditional curses on you from the resting place Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah.

We shall also block the road anywhere we spot any of you and ensure that you are been hooted at.

Ghana is sinking and we believe it must take our collective effort to put the country back on track.

Thank You.



Eric Owiredu, Deputy Secretary

David Agboado, PRO

Paa Williams, National Chairman


Source: Mensah