Saturday, 27 July

Governance too serious a business to be left for political point-scorers – Gyampo

Prof Ransford Gyampo

Political Science Professor at the University of Ghana, Ransford Gyampo, has chided the government for the knee-jerk action of canceling the collection of road tolls and reintroducing same.

Responding to the plan to reintroduce road tolls, Prof Gyampo condemned the government for the intransigence exhibited when there were calls on the government to rethink its decision to abolish tolls on the road that generated some resources for the nation, particularly in the wake of the nation’s economic misery.

He said “Now we want to reintroduce the road tolls? Good idea. But what went into the decision to cancel it? Governance is too serious a business to be left in the hands of mere political point scorers. The ideals of the Philosopher King are to guide those ruling!”

Prof Gyampo called on the government to be responsive and listen to voices of dissent as “he who is cutting a path would never know if his back is crooked.”

The raid tolls were canceled after the 2022 budget was read in November 2021.

Government, however, plans to reintroduce the toll this year.

