Saturday, 27 July

Use cloves to treat vaginal issues

Life Style
Clove plant

Cloves are anti-fungal, antibacterial, antiseptic, and analgesic.

They’re packed with antioxidants and are good sources of minerals (especially manganese), omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and vitamins.

It's one of the best when it comes to the female honey pot, very affordable with no side effects.

Take care of your vagina using cloves in the following ways


(a) Salt

(b) Cloves

(c) Hot water


Get a clean sit bowl. Pour boiled water, add a little salt(1tsp), add the cloves(200g), then sit on it let the heat go inside your vagina until the water is no longer hot.


1. It tightens the vagina

2. It fights infections

3. It gives your honey pot a pleasant smell


(a). Cloves 200g

(b). Container eg water bottle (1 and a half litres)


Pour the cloves into the bottle and add water, leave it for 3 days, it will change colour to dark brown.

Use it to wash your VJ and once you use it and it's peppery that means there is an infection.

Continue using until you can't feel the pains anymore.


1. fights infections

2. Gives the vagina a very good smell

3. It makes your hubby enjoy sex with you because of the pleasant smell

4. Reduces unnecessary discharge

5. Tightens the vagina



Source: Ekpo Ruth