Saturday, 27 July

Punish NPP in 2024 for converting toilets to accommodate students – Apaak

Dr Clement Apaak

The Member of Parliament for Builsa South, Dr Clement Apaak has said it is only under “this reckless and corrupt Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo/Bawumia NPP government that toilets are converted to accommodate students in a secondary school.

Dr Apaak who shared a video of toilets turned into sleeping places at GHANASCO in Tamale on his Facebook page described it as “unthinkable and most shocking.”

He indicated that President Akufo-Addo must bow his head in shame.

The Deputy Ranking Member On Education Committee of Parliament added that the issue of inadequate residential and academic space is only one of the many challenges bedeviling effective teaching and learning in secondary schools.

Other challenges, he stated include inadequate furniture, inadequate and unwholesome food, erratic academic calendar with students spending more time at home than in school, overworked teaching and non-teaching staff.

He disclosed that many are not aware that government since the inception of the Free SHS policy is yet to remit a pesewa to cover library and ICT fees, yet, these fees are included in the basket of what government says is free.

In his view, the governing NPP must be severely punished at the 2024 polls for the dissipation of the country’s resources to the detriment of the future of the nation.

“What is more important, using our resources to fund a personal pledged cathedral, jetting in luxury jets, sharing Covid-19 funds to party and government officials or funding education”? he quizzed.

He noted that the record of the Akufo-Addo/Bawumia NPP government in the education sector is most embarrassing adding that “the levels of damage and retrogression will take years to fix.”


Source: Mensah