Saturday, 21 September

I’m still NPC boss – Appiah

General News
Dr Leticia Adelaide Appiah

The Executive Director of the National Population Council (NPC), Dr Leticia Adelaide Appiah, has said she is still at post, as the head of the NPC although she has been ordered by the board chair to proceed on leave as her term had expired.

The board chair of the NPC, Dr Gladys Ashitey, in a letter dated 4 November 2020, said: “In line with the terms of your appointment, this Board has initiated action to assess your performance during your term of service to enable it make appropriate recommendations to the Appointing Authority.

“While the assessment process is ongoing, you are expected to proceed on your terminal leave with immediate effect.

“You are expected to prepare and submit comprehensive handing-over notes to the undersigned by 16th November 2020.”

But speaking to Class News’ Joshua Kojo Mensah in an interview on the sidelines of a reproductive health colloquium organised by Curious Minds on Wednesday, 25 November 2020, Dr Appiah stressed that she remains the Executive Director of the NPC.

"I am the executive director of the National Population Council of Ghana and nothing has changed. I am still the director of the National Population Council,” she said.
