Saturday, 27 July

Kumawu by-election: Bawumia's dabble in 'cheap' guinea-fowl politics shows how 'low' he's sunk - NDC

Dr Mahamudu Bawumia

The National Democratic Congress has said Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia's recent comment  that "guinea fowls flew to Burkina Faso under John Mahama" during one of his campaign tours in the lead-up to the Kumawu by-election slated for today, Tuesday, 23 May 2023, "is nothing but a deliberately contrived lie" that he and his ilk "continue to rehash". 

"That the Vice President will continue to dabble in this cheap spin reveals how low he has descended", a statement from the biggest opposition party signed by national communications officer Sammy Gyamfi said.

"Indeed", the statement noted, "it is noteworthy to remind Bawumia and his likes that Manasseh Azuri Awuni, the journalist who investigated the guinea fowl production and marketing joint venture project by the Savanna Accelerated Development Authority (SADA) and the Asongtaba Cottage Industry, is on public record to have refuted this claim".


Factories: Bawumia’s 'NDC 2, NPP 150' claim 'barefaced lie', NDC says VP must cure 'own ignorance' on 'poor 1D1F'


At the same Kumawu campaign event, Dr Bawumia also said the Mahama administration built only two factories against the Akufo-Addo government's 150.

In the same statement, the NDC described the claim as "a barefaced lie". 

"For the records", the statement added, "the erstwhile NDC/Mahama administration established strategic, high-priority state-owned factories that anchored growth in key sectors of the Ghanaian economy".

"We must hasten to point out to the Vice President that if his so-called 150 factories claim relates to government’s poorly-implemented 1D1F programme, then he needs to educate himself and cure his own ignorance about the nature of their so-called 1D1F initiative". 

"This is because none of the said 1D1F factories was actually built by the Akufo-Addo/Bawumia government".
