Saturday, 27 July

Kumawu by-poll notice in circulation on social media not gazetted – EC

The EC, however, noted that the draft notice of poll was not gazetted, thus it is not legal and binding

The Electoral Commission (EC) has said the notice of poll circulating on social media purporting to be that of the Kumawu by-election was just a mere draft.

The notice of poll circulating on social media has photos of two independent candidates wearing kente cloth. 

The said candidates have the symbol of a bird.

In a statement, clarifying this, issued on Sunday, 21 May 2023, the EC explained that: “For the information of the public, both independent candidates presented photographs of themselves in kente and a picture of a bird as their symbol to our District Officer in Kumawu. 

“Based on this, a draft notice of poll, bearing the photograph of the independent candidates with similar names, attires and symbols was prepared and submitted to the Commission for approval.”

The EC, however, noted that the draft notice of poll was not gazetted, thus it is not legal and binding.

“It was neither approved by the commission nor gazetted. A notice of poll becomes legal and binding only after it is gazetted. 

“The version circulating on social media was never gazetted. It was a mere draft reflecting the photographs and symbols presented to the District Officer,” the EC stated.

It assured the public that it will not “tolerate acts that are at variance with its regulations and which have the potential of undermining its hard earned reputation and integrity.”

Source: Adiku