Saturday, 27 July

Kumawu by-polls: Ignore NDC's vile propaganda of appreciating in votes – Nana B

Henery Nana Boakye

The National Organiser of the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP), Henry Nana Boakye, has urged the electorate to ignore what he calls vile propaganda by the main opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) concerning the just-ended Kumawu by-elections held in the Ashanti Region.

Mr Boakye made the call in a statement dated, Wednesday, May 24, 2023.

According to him, the NDC did not improve by way of votes in the by-elections.

The statement explained that the six polling stations won by the NDC were already won by the NDC/INDEPENDENT in 2020.

"Meaning in terms of actual polling stations victory, NDC DID NOT improve," the statement said.

Below is the full statement: 

Contrary to the baseless propaganda being circulated by the NDC, the good people of Kumawu constituency have shown overwhelming support for the NPP in the just-ended 2023 by-election. 

The NDC has yet again been embarrassed and exposed by the facts and figures. Below are undisputed facts of the results from yesterday's by-election;

1. NDC, together with the independent candidate (Kwaku Duah), won 31 polling stations in 2020. 

However, in yesterday's by-election, the number of polling stations won in 2020 were reduced to an abysmal 6 polling stations.

2. The 6 polling stations won by the NDC were already won by the NDC/INDEPENDENT in 2020.

 Meaning in terms of actual polling stations victory, NDC DID NOT improve.

3. The NPP for the first time won in several polling stations such as L/A JHS SEKYERE MISSION and L/A JHS ABOTANSO.

4. In 2020, the vote difference between the NPP and the Independent that placed second was only 3,262 votes. 

In the just-ended by-election, the NPP has floored the NDC (Second place in the By-election) by widening the gap to a whopping 11,541 votes.

5. NPP got 70.91% of the total valid votes cast in the by-election compared to 51.11% in 2020. 

That is a huge improvement for the NPP in Kumawu Constituency. 

6.- Comparatively, the NDC  votes dropped from 5,899 votes (2016) to 3,723 (2023 By-election). Even in 2020, where there were some internal wrangling in the NPP Party in Kumawu, NDC managed to pull a disappointing 2,439 votes. So for anyone to suggest that the NDC has done well is laughable to say the least.

7. It is important to note that the 64% voter turnout recorded in yesterday's by-election is one of the highest turnout recorded in the history of by-elections conducted in Ghana.

 In fact, the 2002 Kumawu By-elections recorded 45% voter turnout.

Out of the voter turnout yesterday, the NPP pulled a massive 70.91% of the total valid votes cast.

8. Finally, the above facts is a clear indication of the inevitable calamity that will befall the NDC in 2024. 

The NPP remains poised to Break the 8 and continue to serve the good people of Ghana.

Source: Mensah