Saturday, 27 July

NDC race: Youth Forum declares support for Mahama

John Dramani Mahama

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) Youth Forum has declared its unflinching support for former President John Dramani Mahama and urged the delegates to vote for him in the upcoming presidential primaries slated for May 13th, 2023.

A statement issued in Accra on Tuesday, March 21, 2023, and signed by the Spokesperson for the Forum, Ransford Lartey, explained that former President John Dramani Mahama is the current NDC’s diadem and he is the only person who can deliver a resounding victory for the party and also restore the "lost hope” in many Ghanaians.  

“In preparations for the 2024 election, we need a presidential candidate that people can rally behind, approach and rely on to deliver victory for this great party and we are convinced beyond every reasonable doubt that John Dramani Mahama has these pedigrees to soldier the party into victory.

“The 2024 presidential election is not about experiment but rather experience… It is about someone who has done it before and his impeccable track records are there to show,” the statement said.

It added that “The forum is imbibed with his strategy, charisma and vision which we hope would give our great party a resounding victory come 2024.

“With what we know you are capable of doing, we have at the back of our minds that it would be a one-touch victory if you are finally voted to lead the party for the 2024 presidential and parliamentary elections."

Currently, the Youth Forum has taken steps to begin canvassing for votes from the delegates for Mr Mahama with the “hashtag operation 99.9 per cent."

"The move is to ensure a landslide victory for H.E John Dramani Mahama so he can lead the party and deliver for us a one-touch victory," the group said.

It said: "Mr John Dramani Mahama is someone who does not throw buzzwords around. He is a man of his word, a trailblazer, a pathfinder and an innovator and we are sure that his victory would come like a tsunami.

“It is for this reason that we have deployed our members to the political market to ensure we get the required votes for a resounding victory," the statement concluded

Source: Mensah