Saturday, 27 July

SALL: IMANI boss questions AG's Buem poll annulment proposal

IMANI boss Franklin Cudjoe

The President of the IMANI Centre for Policy and Education, Mr Franklin Cudjoe, has questioned the proposal by Attorney General Godfred Dame for the annulment of the 2020 parliamentary poll as part of efforts to correct the lack of parliamentary representation for the people of SALL.

Mr Dame has also proposed that new elections be held in the constituency to include Santrokofi, Akpafu, Lolobi and Likpe (SALL).

Speaking on the floor of Parliament on Wednesday, 9 March 2022, the AG noted that holding fresh elections in the constituency will give the people of SALL the right representation.

“It is not in doubt that the MP for Buem does not represent the people of SALL even though the people have been placed there. Indeed, the reason why we have to annul the 2020 Buem parliamentary elections is to ensure that the SALL areas are given the right representation now.”

The AG further noted that the only way to achieve the representation of the people of SALL is to include them in the new election.

“As far as I am concerned, there is no law that places SALL under the Buem Constituency. It is only C.I 128 that places SALL under the Buem Constituency. There is no other law at all. So the way to go if we indeed want to achieve representation of the SALL people in the lifetime of the Parliament is to ensure that proper areas that have been allocated in the proper constituencies that have been created will be ordering a proper election to include the people of SALL in the Buem Constituency. And we first have to allow that.”

However, reacting to the AG’s proposal in a Facebook post, the IMANI President said: “Why is the Attorney General proposing the annulment of the Buem constituency vote to have fresh elections so the disenfranchised people of SALL in a different 'constituency' will vote in Buem?”

The Member of Parliament (MP) for Buem, Mr Kofi Adams, reacting to the AG’s proposal earlier, had said: “This clearly shows that we have an incompetent government that was bestowed on us”.

“This is not the first time we have had to amend our constituency boundaries. In each of those cases, we have never seen this level of incompetence. But this shows that the government has been incompetent in handling or local government creation of the constituency. But for what he said, I see it as a joke. He was evasive with the real issues that came from his answers.  But I am ready for any elections in Buem.”

