Saturday, 27 July

Vote 4 NDC commends Kennedy Agyapong

Kennedy Agyepong , MP for Assin Central

A pressure group called Vote 4 National Democratic Congress (NDC) has commended the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP) Member of Parliament (MP) for Assin Central in the Central Region for his stance against the promulgation of the Electoral Commission's (EC) Constitutional Instrument (C.I) to make the Ghana card the sole breeder document for getting on the electoral roll.

The convener of the group, Chief Hamilton Biney Nixon, made this commendation in a statement dated March 14, 2023.

According to the statement: “It is gratifying to note that at least one of the members of New Patriotic Party, and a senior member of our Parliament has finally come to acknowledge the fact that the new proposed CI and the deliberate ploy by this administration to make holders of the Ghana Card the only Ghanaians is not tenable in anyways.”

Below is the full statement 


VOTE 4 NDC, an independent pressure group acknowledge with gratification the comments made by Hon. Kennedy Ohene Agyapong, NPP MP for Assin Central of the proposed CI that the Electoral Commission of Ghana intends to replace CI 97 and CI 126 as amended.

It is gratifying to note that at least one of the members of the New Patriotic Party, and a senior member of our parliament has finally come to acknowledge the fact that the new proposed CI and the deliberate ploy by this administration to make holders of the Ghana Card the only Ghanaians is not tenable in anyways.

We commend highly Hon. Kennedy Ohene Agyapong for the stands he has taken and ask all right-thinking members of the New Patriotic Party, especially those in parliament to support us build a country that appreciates her citizens not because they only hold a national identity card but because our constitution, the supreme laws of Ghana say so.

We are also by this release calling on the Justices of the Supreme Court of the republic to help review their own judgement (delivered on the 15th of July 2020 on Birth Certificates not being a form of Identification) that is denying many Ghanaians of their nationality and the right to vote because of the limitations placed on the documents that one needs to show as proof of nationality.

The over-insistence by the Electoral Commission of Ghana to deny prospective voters the opportunity to be registered as voters by only being identified by the Ghana Card is a threat to our democracy and a recipe for chaos hence our call on them to listen to the many voices of conscience that have called on them to exercise restrain in their current Yentie Obiaa posture.

We salute all the various groups, CSOs and individuals who have stood against this move by the Electoral Commission and call on all Ghanaians to stand up to be counted in the fight against the passage of this CI until the Electoral Commission and promoters see reason with the majority concerns.

Ghana deserves better!

Source: Mensah