Saturday, 27 July

E/R: MP supports pupils with laptops

Mr Frank Annoh-Dompreh prsenting the laptops the beneficiaries schools.

The Member of Parliament for Nsawam-Adoagyiri in the Eastern Region and the Majority Chief Whip has donated laptop computers and accessories to Ankwa Doboro and Rev Father Weighers Basic Schools in the Nsawam Municipal Assembly.

The technological equipment includes tablets, laptops, a content access point, a projector, a charging cabinet and electronic learning kits.

This forms part of the educational policy of the Member of Parliament to enhance the literary rate and technological education for both basic and Senior High Schools in the area to become the best in Ghana.

Mr Frank Annoh-Dompreh speaking at a short ceremony to present the equipment to the beneficiary schools assured stakeholders he will do his very best to strengthen technological education in the Constituency.

He advised and encouraged students to learn hard to produce quality results for the Constituency.

The Member of Parliament has so far established 15 ICT Centres with air-conditions in selected basic schools notably, Nsawam Presby Basic School, Prisons, Nsawam Methodist, Nana Osae Djan and Rev. Father Weighers etc.

Mr Annoh-Dompreh extended his sphere of development to the Senior High Schools especially St. Martins High School and Nsawam High School by cutting sod for the construction of 12 W/C toilet facilities for the schools to improve sanitation, preventing the spread of diseases, overcrowding and preventing open defecation. 

Currently, Annoh-Dompreh has commissioned over 10 sanitary facilities across the Basic schools in the Constituency and promised to initiate at least seven sanitary facilities this year.

The Member of Parliament donated an amount of GHS50,000.00 for the completion of an abandoned Dining Hall and Kitchen facilities at Nsawam Senior High School. 

He again assured the Headmaster of the school that, he would follow up to GETFUND to complete the abandoned 18 classroom blocks for the school to enhance teaching and learning.

The Headmasters of all the four schools Annoh-Dompreh visited expressed their gratitude to the Member of Parliament and made a clarion call to all the people in Nsawam-Adoagyiri Constituency to support the MP's vision to uplift the image of the Constituency.

Source: Mensah