Saturday, 27 July

We cannot negotiate while you’re still on strike – NLC to UCC senior staff

This comes on the back of a meeting with the NLC on the concerns of the association

The National Labour Commission (NLC) has directed the Senior Staff of the University of Cape Coast to call of its strike within five working days.

This comes on the back of a meeting with the NLC on the concerns of the association on Wednesday, 19 April 2023. 

The Senior Staff association is demanding payment of negotiated allowances and promotions for its members who are currently on strike.

The Executive Secretary of the NLC, Owusu Asamoah, said: “The Commission has directed them to call off the strike to enable the commission hear the matter. 

“So the matter has been adjourned for one week.”

He noted that negotiations cannot go on while the Senior Staff of the UCC are still on strike as stipulated by the law.

He continued that: “Yes, you have made a complaint that we gave a directive that management will engage you, they haven’t engaged you and you are reporting to the commission so that is why we responded and said that now come with management who you’re alleging to have failed to comply with the decision of the commission so that the commission will go ahead and listen whether it is true or not, whether you were engaged or not because that’s an allegation that has been made.”

However, the UCC Senior Staff also want an official communication from NLC before any decision can be made.

Chairman of the UCC Senior Staff Sandy Kumi said: “The Commission did not look at the substantive issue as has been submitted, however, they were looking at the technicalities, as to how we went through the process in declaring the strike and based on that pronounced some directives for which they want the association and both management to comply in resolving the issues and reappear before the commission.

“We’re waiting for official communication from the commission which when we get the official communication we would also send it to the National Executives council for determination as to whether we would want to comply by what the commission has directed or not.”
