Saturday, 27 July

JUSAG suspends strike for 2 weeks

General News

Members of the Judicial Service Staff Association of Ghana (JUSAG) have suspended their indefinite strike action for two-weeks will after reaching an agreement with government.

JUSAG last Wednesday, May 24, 2023 declared an indefinite strike over government’s failure to approve their new salary scheme and non-payment of arrears since January.

The strike resulted in the shutdown of the courts across the country leaving lawyers and clients stranded.

However, after a meeting on Monday, 29 May 2023, JUSAG and the Office of the President, signed of a Memorandum of Understanding to suspend the strike for two weeks during which period their concerns will be addressed.

President of JUSAG, Samuel Afotey, said they will resume the strike if government fails to address their concerns by the June 12 deadline.
