Saturday, 27 July

I'm against LGBTQ; no ifs or buts, no shades of grey - Bawumia

Dr Mahamudu Bawumia

Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia has firmly expressed his opposition to LGBTQ+ activities in Ghana.

Stating his stance, he said: "First of all, it is important to note that our cultural and societal norms and values as Ghanaians frown on the practice of homosexuality." 

Addressing the congregation during the Eidul-Fitr prayers at the Kumasi Central Mosque in the Ashanti Region, Dr. Bawumia reiterated his stance against LGBTQ activities, affirming, "Furthermore, as a Muslim, my view on this matter aligns with the position of my religious faith." 

He emphasized, "The Holy Quran is replete with verses frowning on LGBTQ acts, including same-sex marriages. My faith is therefore very strictly against the practice of homosexuality, no 'ifs' or 'buts'. No shades of grey." 

Dr. Bawumia made it clear that he neither supports nor condones LGBTQ practices, asserting, "Therefore, I personally cannot support that which my religion, and indeed, all the major religions in Ghana clearly and unequivocally forbid." 

He declared, "All the major religious traditions in Ghana (Christianity and Islam) are opposed to this practice and I stand opposed to it now and I will stand opposed to it as President, Insha Allah."

Parliament passed the Human Sexual Rights and Family Values Bill in February this year, which imposes a minimum jail term of three years and a maximum incarceration of five years on those who engage in and promote homosexual activities in the country. 

However, the bill is yet to be signed into law by President Akufo-Addo, following a challenge at the Supreme Court against the Bill.


Source: Mensah