Tuesday, 22 October

MoF engages stakeholders and media on Ghana CARES "Obaatan Pa" Programme

Gifty Sekyere - Acting Coordinator - Ghana CARES

Over the weekend, the Ministry of Finance convened a meeting with stakeholders and media partners to discuss the progress and achievements of the Ghana CARES “Obaatan Pa” Programme.

The session, organised by the Millennium Development Authority (MiDA), provided a comprehensive overview of the institutional arrangements designed to accelerate key public interventions.

The engagement highlighted MiDA’s critical role as the coordinating agency for the Economic Enclaves Project (EEP) under the Ghana CARES “Obaatan Pa” Programme. Launched in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ghana CARES initiative is now in its third year, focusing on competitive import substitution and economic diversification in key sectors such as agriculture, light manufacturing, information technology, housing and construction, and tourism.

The Economic Enclaves Project (EEP), initiated in December 2022, aims to improve the lives and livelihoods of Ghanaian citizens by creating employment opportunities for young people and strengthening agri-business value chains through private sector-driven large-scale production of targeted staples. This project supports the broader Ghana CARES agenda by focusing on import substitution, positively impacting the country’s balance of payments and foreign exchange situation.

Executed within defined geographic areas, the EEP seeks to replicate successful private sector-led commercial farming models observed internationally, incorporating modern technology and skilled personnel. Recognizing the significance and scale of the EEP, the Ministry of Finance appointed MiDA as the strategic partner for the project’s implementation in October 2021. MiDA was selected for its proven track record in program management and its legal mandate under the Millennium Development Authority Act (Act 702) to undertake government programs. MiDA’s international reputation and credibility also facilitate securing external financing and partnerships.

The Ministry of Finance highlighted the success of this strategic approach through the signing of two key Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs). One MoU with the Mastercard Foundation supports training and onboarding youth in commercial agriculture, while another with the World Food Programme (WFP) provides access to climate financing.

Despite ongoing fiscal consolidation reforms, the Ministry of Finance said it remains committed to the EEP, continuously resourcing the program. The EEP is seen as a critical element in resetting the economy for medium to long-term growth, ensuring a lasting legacy for future generations.

The Ministry emphasised the crucial role of the media in fostering public awareness and understanding of the Ghana CARES “Obaatan Pa” Programme. By providing accurate and insightful reporting, the media is expected to shape perceptions and inform decisions of private sector actors and the general public.

The Ministry urged media partners to amplify the success stories of Ghana’s first “economic enclave,” and highlight the transformative potential of the EEP in creating employment opportunities and adding value in the agriculture sector.

The Ministry of Finance expressed gratitude to the media, aiming to communicate the impactful message that “Ghana CARES” and that the EEP is a transformative initiative poised to leave a lasting legacy for the nation.

Source: Classfmonline.com/Elaine Attoh