Saturday, 27 July

Nobody deserves persecution for their sexuality | Reject anti-gay bill – Group to Ghanaians

General News
The alleged LGBTQI+ persons were harassed =, stripped naked and posted on social media

Twenty-five homosexuals have been violently attacked this year, the director for human rights advocacy group, Rightify Ghana, Mr Danny Bediako, has said.

He said many of them were attacked in the Ashanti Region followed by the Greater Accra Region and others.

In the Ashanti Region, he said, the abuse took place in Amanfrom, Barekese, Asuofua, Bohyen, Ohwimase, Abrepo, Abrepo Junction among other places.

The aforementioned areas, he said, have "violent organised groups" who have been abusing and kidnapping homosexuals, and demanding money from their families before their release.

Speaking to Class 91.3 FM’s Ashanti regional correspondent on the sidelines of a workshop in Kumasi, he said most of the homosexuals were also stripped naked, videotaped, and posted on social media in an attempt to disgrace them.

Mr Bediako, therefore, wants the state security agencies to arrest, and prosecute those perpetrating violence against LGBTQ+ people.

“This year, we have recorded 25 cases of abuses which include people being beaten, robbed of their goods, and so many other incidents, including people videotaping them. They strip naked their victims and videotape them and release it on social media trying to disgrace them because of their sexual orientation, because they are gay, because they are lesbians and all of these things. 

“So this is what is going on in the country and we hope that there can be something done to stop these things, we believe that they also have their rights, the community has their rights," he said.

He called on state authorities to take action against persons who perpetuate violence against homosexuals. 

“Nobody deserves to be humiliated and abused just because of their sexual orientation,” Mr Bediako noted.

Mr Danny Bediako also called on Ghanaians to reject the LGBTQ+ bill.

“We hope that every Ghanaian will take time to read the bill, educate themselves on it and see how bad it is. Hopefully, they‘ll not support the bill because it so bad, that, it is not only targeting LGBT people, it is targeting journalists as well. It is targeting everyone," he stressed.

He further called on Parliament to reject the LGBTQI+ bill.

“We hope parliament will not pass the bill, and we want them to reject the bill because it is very bad," he said. 

“We rather need protection not prosecution," he suggested. "People don’t need to be persecuted for who they are. People can’t change their sexual orientation or gender identity."

Source: Adiku