Saturday, 27 July

E/R: Healthlife Africa organises free health screening for Akwadum residents

Health News
Participants were taken through general medical examination, including: blood pressure, sugar levels, heart, liver, mental health, and kidney check-ups

The residents of Akwadum, a community in the New Juabeng North Municipality of the Eastern Region, have benefited from a free health-screening exercise organised by the CEO of Healthlife Africa and Founder of the Rural Missions Ghana Project, Prophet Stephen-Ask Ackrong.

The programme was initiated by Prophet Ackrong, in partnership with health professionals, after a 3-day crusade.

The Health screening, was preceded by a football gala at the Akwadum M/A School park, to emphasise the importance of exercising the body.

The residents were also educated on the need to cultivate the habit of undergoing regular medical check-ups for timely intervention to save their lives and to ensure proper health care.

Participants were taken through general medical examination, including: blood pressure, sugar levels, heart, liver, mental health, and kidney check-ups.

Those diagnosed with diseases were treated while others were referred to nearby hospitals for further medical treatment.

The residents were also counselled on the need to lead good healthy lifestyles to help prolong their lives and further urged to periodically visit the health facility for check-ups.

The aged, children, farmers, drivers and other persons were all screened.

Speaking on the sidelines, in an interview with Accra FM/CTV’s Apelete Kofi-Michel, the CEO of Healthlife Africa Foundation, stated that the exercise climaxed a three-day revival on the theme ‘Experience God’s Anointing and Healing’.

He noted that some of the youth in Akwadum are engaged in drug abuse, which is leading to mental problems among the youth.

He further noted that, the church essentially takes the lives of every human being seriously and so undertakes the core service of preaching the gospel to win more souls for the kingdom, as well as embark on other exercises as part of its social responsibility.

Prophet Ackrong added that, the exercise was aimed at keeping members of the community healthy to enable them have the peace of mind to worship God.

“Worshipping God is not only about spirituality, but also taking care of people physically to make them healthy,” he said.




